Article I
This document establishes, originates, perpetuates, and defines the Geneseo Football Booster Club. The Club is a gathering of individuals interested in
enhancing and participating in the generation of “Leaf Pride” by causing appropriate help to be provided at all levels of the Geneseo Football Program – i.e. from
5th grade through 12th grade. All activities, actions, projects and endeavors will be conducted in a charitable and not for profit manner.
Article II - Credo
The credo is “How can we help?”
Article III - Membership
Individuals who pay the required and stipulated annual dues will be classified as members in good standing and shall have one vote in all club matters while in
attendance at a properly convened meeting during that year.
Membership may be terminated and elected officers may be removed by vote of the disciplinary committee at a properly convened meeting for cause and after
an appropriate hearing. The committee will consist of one (1) board member, one (1) committee member, three (3) members of the general membership, and
one (1) officer that will over-see the proceedings of the committee. The use, consumption or possession of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, by members, is
prohibited at all football booster club functions, activities and gatherings. Violators will be immediately expelled from the football booster club, by the
executive board. Non-members will be treated in a like manner. Elected officers will be replaced by the board of directors with over-all approval by the general
membership at a properly convened meeting.
Article IV - Meetings
A. The Booster Club shall hold a general meeting for all club members on a quarterly basis – i.e. every three (3) months or on call of the president. An
agenda will be prepared for each meeting. Minutes will be properly taken and recorded. Decisions and actions to be taken shall be by a majority vote of those
present at a properly convened meeting.
B. All standing committees will meet on a quarterly basis – i.e. every three (3) months or on call of the Chair. Standing committee meetings must be held at
least thirty (30) days prior to the general membership meeting(s) so the pertinent matters may be provided or reported.
C. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with “Roberts Rules of Order”.
Article V - Organization
The following officers shall be elected by the membership for terms of one (1) year for each position. The elected officers shall not be compensated.
A. The President’s duties and responsibilities are:
1. To lead the club toward the goals and objectives established by this charter and the voted will of the membership.
2. To conduct all meetings and assure that the total membership is made aware of all the actions and activities.
3. To act as a member of all standing committees.
4. To assure that there is appropriate communication and liaison with other organizations, groups, and individuals.
B. The Vice-President’s duties and responsibilities are:
1. To perform the president’s duties and responsibilities in his/her absence.
2. To assist the president in all club matters.
3. To act as a liaison person between the club, the community, other booster clubs, the public, the school board, the press, and any other pertinent
individuals or groups.
4. To provide a “one-face-to-the-world” approach which assures that all liaisons and communication activities are coordinated with and promulgated by the
technology committee.
C. The Treasurer’s duties and responsibilities are;
1. To establish and maintain a bookkeeping system that will account for all money received, paid-out, and balances.
2. To be accountable to the president, vice-president and the membership.
3. To give a financial statement and report at each meeting to the membership.
4. To assure that all checks, over $250, are counter signed by the President, Vice-President or a member of the Board of Directors.
5. Checks for $250 or less, may be initiated by the President, Vice-President or Committee chairpersons. Proper invoices must be presented.
D. The Secretary’s duties and responsibilities are:
1. To record all minutes and present them at the next meeting of the membership.
2. To report to the president and membership on all pertinent correspondences.
3. To be responsible for receiving all correspondences.
4. In conjunction with the assistant secretary, periodically prepares a newsletter for the membership. Coordinates the distribution of the newsletter with
the technology committee and the Vice-President.
E. The Assistant Secretary’s duties and responsibilities are:
1. To assist the Secretary in accomplishing all of the above assigned duties and responsibilities.
F. The Board of Directors shall be elected for a 3 year term by the membership and shall be six (6) in number. Two director positions will be filled on a
rotating annual basis. The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors are:
1. To provide overall checks and balances for all booster club projects, activities, and actions.
2. to assure that all booster club projects, activities, and actions are initiated and concluded in accordance with this charter.
3. To provide overall operational and functional continuity for all booster club projects, activities, and actions
G. Executive Board
The executive board is created and shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and the Board of Directors. No more than one immediate family
member can hold office on the executive board. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and shall vote only to break ties. The
quorum is five (5). The secretary will properly record, distribute and file all minutes, agendas and other documentation as may be specified by the president.
The Executive Board is authorized to make decisions and direct actions and/or expenditures of not more than $1500.00 whenever expedited or emergency
needs exist. All such actions or expenditures will be reported to the membership at its next quarterly meeting.
H. The elected officers and directors shall appoint members to the following standing committees for the specified purposes. With the exception of the
President, no individual may serve on more than one committee at a time.
1. Ways and Means Committee
This committee shall consist of seven (7) members who will choose their own chairperson. The existing committee members must provide replacement
individuals, when required. The minimum term is one (1) year.
The duties and responsibilities are”
a. To do the planning and prioritization for all projects, activities, and actions to be undertaken by the club.
b. To assign a time phasing and category for each project, activity, and action as follows:
1. Falling in the short term – 1 to 2 years
2. Falling in the mid term – 3 to 4 years
3. Falling in the long term – 4 to 5 years
c. Defines projects, activities, and actions and funding requirements for each. All projects, activities and actions must be presented to the membership and
must receive an approval vote (by the majority of those present) prior to implementation.
2. Project Committee(s)
Seven (7) members for each project who will choose their own chairman. Minimum term is one year or one project. There is no limit to the number of project
committees and sub-committees that may be established. The duties and responsibilities are:
a. Accomplish the projects that have been approved by the membership.
3. Membership Committee
Seven (7) members who will choose their own chairman. The minimum term is one year. Existing committee members must provide replacement individuals
when required. The duties and responsibilities are:
a. To contact former Green Machiners, moms and dads, grandparents, and other potential members and to cause them to pay dues for membership in the
Geneseo Football Booster Club. All collected dues will be turned over to the Treasurer.
4. Active Player Advisory Committee
Eleven members who will choose their own chairman. The eleven players members shall be chosen based on the Recommendations of the applicable coaches as
1 Membership liaison
2 players from Middle School Football
2 players from Freshman Football
2 players from Sophomore Football
4 players from Varsity Football
The duties and responsibilities are to define and recommend actions or activities which answer the credo question of “How can we help?”. Recommendations
shall be forwarded in writing to the ways and Means committee and to the President of the Booster Club.
5. Technology Committee
This committee shall consist of four (4) members with the chairman appointed by the executive board. The minimum term is for one year. The existing
committee members must provide replacement individuals, when required. The duties and Responsibilities are:
To define, establish and operate technological/electronic or other appropriate means for storing and communicating information relevant to marketing,
advertising and pictorial data concerning the Geneseo Football Booster Club. Continuously coordinates with the Vice-President.
6. Kitchen Quarterbacks
The kitchen Quarterbacks are established as a standing committee of the Geneseo Football Booster Club. Membership in this committee shall be defined and
determined as it has been in the past. The minimum term is one year. The members may choose their officers by a majority vote. Current committee
members must provide replacement individuals, when required. The duties and responsibilities of the committee are as follows:
a. To continue the actions, activities and projects that have been so beneficial in the past.
b. The Kitchen Quarterbacks will maintain their own financial records and will continue to operate their finances as they have in the past. The committee
may utilize the Football Booster Club’s tax-exempt number, when necessary.
c. To encourage all Kitchen Quarterbacks to become and remain members in good-standing of the Geneseo Football Booster Club.
d. Will provide financials and a budget to the Geneseo Football Boosters Treasurer on an annual basis.
Article VI
The club will not supplant, usurp, or otherwise conflict with or interfere with the activities or actions of any other existing group., i.e. The Board of Education
or Administration of the School District, The Youth Football Organization, The Grid Club, The Kitchen Quarterbacks, The PTA, etc. The club will be limited to
actions and activities which are dictated by considerations and concerns for others, be they groups or individuals. “How Can We Help?” is the driving force.
These limitations will be exercised by the consistent communication with applicable individuals and groups. “Don’t step on anyone’s toes!!”
Article VII
This Charter may be changed, as necessary by a majority vote of the membership present at a properly convened meeting.
Article VIII
Dissolution of Organization
a. Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of
distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any
future federal tax code.
b. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local
government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of
the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and
operated exclusively for such purposes.